For NAOC’s final contribution to the 16 Days Campaign, Julia Schaumer has sat down with Commodore Rebecca Patterson to find out a little more about Operation HONOUR and what the Canadian Armed Forces are doing about the issue of sexual misconduct in the military.
Tag: CAF
The Canadian Armed Forces Commemorate the Last Hundred Days of WWI
As the centenary of the First World War draws to a close, the Canadian Armed Forces and the Department of Defence have stepped up their programs of remembrance. Commemoration is a political act that signals to partners and competitors that Canada remembers its past military successes engages with its heritage, and is ready to serve again in the future if necessary.
Special Report on Defence Policy Pt 1/5: Initial Findings
Canada’s recent Defence Policy presents a 20-year vision for the CAF. Is this policy realistic? This report summarizes Touraj Riazi’s and Ian Pelekis’ initial findings, in the first part of this series.
NAOC Director Jeff Hull on BNN Talking About Canada’s Role in NATO Against Cyber Attacks
NAOC Director Jeff Hull on BNN speaking about Canada’s role in NATO in countering cyber attacks.
NAOC Director Jeff Hull on CP24 Talking About Canadian Defence Policy and NATO
On Wednesday, June 7th, NAOC Director Jeff Hull was on CP24 to talk about the implications of Canada’s new Defence Policy for NATO.
6 Things to Know About the Defence Policy Review
Following the unveiling of the Defence Policy Review, the NAOC is pleased to present some highlights of the new document.
An Assessment: The Defence Policy and NATO
An assessment of the 2017 Defence Policy Review’s implication for Canada’s NATO.
Canada’s 2017 Federal Budget: More of The Same for Veterans ?
What should veterans expect from the 2017 Federal Budget?
Part 2: A Case for a Realist Foreign Policy
In the final part of a two-part series, research analyst Mark Jarrat and program editor Alexis Amini discuss the shape a realist Canadian foreign policy would take.
Military Training or Torture? When Military Exercises Become Too Realistic
With former Canadian Armed Forces soldiers going public with allegations of torture in training exercises, Nick Raffey discusses the psychological effects caused by realistic military training.