Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Nasser Haidar NATO and Canada NATO Operations

The Eastern Mediterranean: NATO Allies Clash

The Eastern Mediterranean is without a doubt a conflict-prone geographic location. Most consider the conflicts between Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine and occasionally, Egypt, when discussing the region, but new players are clashing with one another, and this time, they’re allies. While the world looks at nearby Syria, it has been Turkey, Cyprus and Greece that Read More…

Dr Robert M Cutler Energy Security

Turkey’s Place in Euro-Caspian Energy Development

Two extremely important events for Turkey’s energy policy took place within days of each other at the end of May and in early June. The first was the formal opening of the Southern Gas Corridor (SGC). The second was the order, by Dutch courts, that Gazprom’s assets in The Netherlands should be frozen. That court Read More…

Expanding Community irma shaboian

Where do LGBT Perspectives Fit within the NATO Narrative?

To honour LGBT month, the turbulent experiences of identifying service men and women are acknowledged, while the paranoia surrounding their service are debunked. The accession of prospective nations into the Alliance raises the question of whether the LGBT inclusion status of a nation is a factor worth considering for membership. And if it should be, can religious affiliation influence the security and defence commitments of NATO members?

Brad Stollery Megan Robinson Nilum Panesar Philip Rafalko Ross Linden-Fraser Security, Trade and the Economy

A Shifting Global Economy, Part 2: Closing the Doors on an Open World?

This podcast is Part 2 in a series of discussions with researchers in International Business and Economics on changes in the global economy driven by political, social and technological trends. Our analysts discuss what changes to openness – of ideas, borders, capital – within societies might mean for the functioning and legitimacy of an integrated world economy.