Brad Stollery Megan Robinson Nilum Panesar Philip Rafalko Ross Linden-Fraser Security, Trade and the Economy

A Shifting Global Economy, Part 2: Closing the Doors on an Open World?

This podcast is Part 2 in a series of discussions with researchers in International Business and Economics on changes in the global economy driven by political, social and technological trends. Our analysts discuss what changes to openness – of ideas, borders, capital – within societies might mean for the functioning and legitimacy of an integrated world economy.

Expanding Community Philip Rafalko

Turkey’s Constitutional Referendum

Erdogan’s victory in the referendum shows the power of a leader channeling the national interest to take back the state. It is another expression of the populist trend sweeping across the Atlantic and the European continent and positions Erdogan closer to Nigel Farage, Donald Trump or Marine Le Pen than it does to Arab dictators in neighbouring Middle-Eastern countries.