Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Defence Spending Defense Diplomatic Relations Jayson Derow The United States of America

Securitizing US Foreign Policy: The Rise of Militarism in American Diplomacy

Although securitization has provided the US military a broader role and influence, Jayson Derow analyzes the resulting imbalance of resources and authority in US foreign policy management.

Ananda Narasimhan Canadian Armed Forces Expanding Community

Should Canada and NATO allies build stronger ties with strategic partners in South Asia? Part II

NATO and India have the potential to establish a mutual beneficial military-diplomatic relationship creating security within Asia. A two part article explores the possibilities of an Indo-NATO partnership.

Aidan Simardone NATO and Canada NATO Operations

Conflict in the Caucasus, Part 1: Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Regional Security

This article is part one of a two-part series on the tensions between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Aidan Simardone examines regional actors involved in the conflict and the potential effects a war would have for the security of the region.

Ida Männistö Society, Culture, and Security

Information Warfare: A Security Threat and a Tool To Advance Political Interests

Today, war doesn’t just mean soldiers and battlefields. As society becomes more dependent on technology, many have found a way to take advantage of the massive collection of information online. What risk does this put us at?