Security, Trade and the Economy

Will the Chinese Renminbi Replace the US Dollar as the International Currency?

The “rise of China” on the international stage is virtually an undisputed fact. Some even speak of China ‘eclipsing’ the United States as the preeminent world power. One element of this would likely involve the replacement of the U.S. dollar by the Renminbi as the international currency. But how likely is this scenario to play out? Lily Jia subjects this hypothesis to analytical rigour.

Security, Trade and the Economy

Trade Diversification: Spotlight on Europe

When you walk into a grocery store in almost any country in the world you are undoubtedly reaping the benefits of trade. Whether in the increased selection or the price tag, globalization has certainly impacted the way we consume and do business. However, trade between two countries leaves both parties vulnerable to each other’s economic Read More…

Global Horizons Jeyolyn Christi

Program Spotlight: Bachelor of Global and International Studies (BGInS) at Carleton University

Through the Program Spotlight Series, Jeyolyn Christi gives us a brief overview of various prestigious universities and colleges to study International Relations. This week: Bachelor of Global and International Studies at Carleton University